Town Clerk

Town Clerk Recording Hours: Monday-Thursday 8am-4:30pm, Friday 8:30-11:30am.
No payments of any kind for copies, vitals, dog licenses, as well as land recordings can be processed after 4:30 pm Monday thru Thursday & 11:30 on Friday. Otherwise, please call the office to schedule an appointment to come in at a time that might be more convenient for you.

The Town Clerk is an elected position with a 4-year term.

Legal Notices/Press Releases

Town Clerk Portal for Title Searches


  • Recording of Plymouth's records including deeds, mortgages, liens, releases, assessments, other land records, and vital statistics.

  • Prepares and issues copies of land records, maps and other public documents.

  • Signs and certifies copies of official documents.

  • Publishes legal notices as required.

  • Records town births, deaths and marriages.

  • Issues licenses as required by State Statute and local ordinances such as marriage and records certification of Notaries Public.

  • Records sexton's reports of cemetery burials.

  • Assists in voter registration in the absence of the Registrar of Voters and issues absentee ballots for elections and referendums.

  • Records Veterans discharge records.

  • Records and indexes maps.

  • Several forms are now available online through the permits and licenses page here. You can print the form and complete it in handwriting, or complete the form of your choice (.pdf format) online by tabbing through the fields, and then select PRINT. Follow submission and payment instructions on each form. You cannot submit the form online, only print the completed form.

  • Request for copies of the original certificate: Marriage Certificate

  • Request for copies of the original certificate: Birth Certificate

  • Application for Trade Name Certificate

  • Application for Certificate of Dissolution of Trade Name

  • Application for new Marriage License. This MUST be brought to the Town Clerk's Office by the bride and groom in order for it to be completed.

Please be sure to include a SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED envelope for mail-in forms.

Due to time and staffing constraints, this office is no longer able to fulfill genealogy requests. You are welcome to come in to do your own research during normal business hours.

Quick Links
General Information
Town Clerk
Linda Konopaske
Assistant Town Clerk
Diana Burg
Phone Numbers
Fax: 860-845-5544
Emergencies: Dial 911
80 Main Street

Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
8:00am - 5:00pm
Recording Hours
8:30am - 4:30pm
Office Hours Friday
8:30am - 12:00pm
Recording Hours Friday