Certificates & Licenses
Contact Information:

Mailing Address: 80 Main Street, Terryville, CT 06786
Phone: 860-585-4039
Email: Contact Us Form

Dog LicenseCost

Due annually in June. Must show proof of current shots including rabies certificate plus veterinarian records if pet is altered. Include this proof and a self-addressed stamped envelope via mail or come to the Town Clerk's Office in person.

Altered - $8.00
Unaltered - $19.00
$1.00 late fee Per Month or any part thereof

New Dog Registration - Fillable Form

License Applications forms below are now available online. You can print the form and complete it in handwriting and mail it in with a check made out to the Plymouth Town Clerk or bring it into the office in person. You cannot submit the forms online, only print the completed form.  Vital records can be obtained online through Permitium (where listed below) using a credit or debit card for a nominal fee. However, only when listed below. 


Marriage Licenses: Licenses are obtained by appointment only,  please call 860-585-4039 to schedule an appointment.

$50.00 Application Fee

Marriage Certificates: Request for Certified copies of original certificate. Or, please click on this link to order your certificate online.

$20.00 for copies of Marriage Certificates

Birth Certificates: Request for Certified copies of original certificates.
$15.00 for wallet-size Birth Certificates (not widely accepted, suggest buying full size.)

Or please click on this link to order your certificate online.

$20.00 for copies of full-size Birth Certificate

Death Certificates: Request for Certified copies of original certificates.
Or please click on this link to order your certificate online.

$20.00 for copies of Death Certificate 

Trade Name Certificate Application

Please click on the link below for guidelines for starting a business in CT:  Starting A New Business

 $10.00 Trade Name Certificate

 Certificate of Dissolution of Trade name Application

$10.00 Certificate of Dissolution of Trade name

Recording Fees for Land Records

First Page (MERS $159)


Each Additional Page



Please be sure to include a SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED envelope when requesting copies of any certificates, licenses, or recordings that will be returned to you by mail. 

Please use the link below to purchase, renew, or reprint your fishing and/or hunting license.  You do not even need to have a printer!  You can now download the license to your phone!


The Town Clerk's office no longer offers the Sportsman Licenses.  They can be obtained in person at Back to Basics, 31 Main St., Terryville or click here to obtain a license online from the State of CT or to obtain a complete list of DEEP Sportsman License Vendors.