St. Cyril & Methodious Orth. Church
23 East Plymouth Road, Terryville, CT
Phone: 860-582-3631
St. Mary's Cemetery & Immaculate Conception Church
44 Poland Brook Road, Terryville, CT
Phone: 860-583-4697
East Church (Society & Parish of St. Matthew)
160 East Plymouth Rd., Terryville, CT
St. Michael's
35 Kearney Street, Terryville, CT
Phone: 860-583-7588
West Cemetery
Carter Road, Plymouth, CT
Phone: 860-283-9970
Allentown Cemetery
218 Wolcott Road, Terryville, CT
St. John's & Immaculate Conception Church
17 South Main Street, Terryville, CT
Phone: 860-583-4697
Plymouth Cemetery
Park Street, Plymouth, CT
Hillside Cemetery
20 Hillside Avenue, Terryville, CT
Phone: 860-283-0068
Care4Kids helps low to moderate income families in Connecticut pay for child care costs. This program is sponsored by the State of Connecticut's Department of Social Services.
Phone: 860-314-2790 or contact Chris
Hours: Wednesday and Thursday, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. Also ask Chris
Students have a safe and supervised place to go after school. They provide computers, extra help, recreation, and many other programs to involve your child's interest.
77 Main Street
Terryville, CT 06786
Donna Koser, Community Outreach Coordinator
Phone: 860-314-2763
Lori Borysewicz, Plymouth Family Resource Center
Phone: 860-283-6167
The mission of the Plymouth Early Childhood Council is to ensure that all Plymouth children birth through eight are healthy, safe, and successful. The Early Childhood Council originally began as an informal network of early childhood education and care providers to network, brainstorm and collaborate, but has subsequently grown into a collaborative table of various community representatives who recognize the value of supporting and growing the early childhood education and care agenda in Plymouth.
The Plymouth Early Childhood Council currently meets 10 times per year on Thursday evenings or Friday mornings. Meetings are open to the public. Membership strives to reflect the racial, ethnic and cultural diversity of Plymouth and consists of community representatives such as parents, local and state officials, providers, seniors, businesses and others.
Current membership includes:
Designees from the Mayor’s Office
Designees from the Superintendent’s Office
Representatives from:
William Caspar Graustein Memorial Fund
United Way of West Central Connecticut
Education Connection -- Litchfield
The Family Resource Center
The Learning Center
Terry Nursery School
Terryville Public Library
Home Day Care Providers
Local Clergy
Plymouth Parks and Recreation Department
Special Education Parent Teacher Association (SEPTA)
Girl Scouts of CT
Connecticut Early Childhood Alliance
Connecticut Association for Human Services (CAHS)
Concerned citizens and other interested parties
Plymouth Center School
107 North Street
Plymouth, CT 06782
Phone: 860-283-6167
Fax: 860-283-6167
Program Coordinator: Lori J. Borysewicz
Parent Educators: Debra Hale and Beth Anderson
The Family Resource Center provides programing for families and their children in Plymouth/Terryville. They offer a NAEYC Preschool program in both elementary schools, birth to 5 play groups, parent education, enrichment activities, positive youth, summer program, resource and referrals, developmental screening and more. Call for more information.
Harry S. Fisher Elementary School
79 North Main Street
Terryville, CT 06786
Phone: 860-709-2830 (classroom)
Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Family Service Coordinator: Pam Vellucci, 860-689-6832
Classroom Teachers: Anna Farrel and Joelle Zemaitis
Plymouth Head Start provides a free preschool readiness program for children and their families including education, health, nutrition, social service and parent engagement activities. The program is open to families in Terryville, Plymouth and Thomaston. The program is an income based program. Please call for guidelines. Families receiving Temporary Family Assistance or Social Security are eligible as are all foster children. Plymouth Head Start provides a nutritious breakfast and lunch daily. They are dedicated to working in partnership with families and communities to provide families the opportunities to grow and develop, and prepare children to enter kindergarten with the skills and knowledge necessary for success.
233 Main Street
Terryville, CT 06786
Phone: 860-583-8911
3 Yr Old Morning Program
3 days/wk (Monday, Wednesday & Friday)
5 days/wk (Monday - Friday)
4 Yr Old Morning Program
3 days/wk (Mon, Wed & Fri)
5 days/wk (Monday - Friday)
All Morning Classes Run 9:00 a.m. -11:30 a.m.
Your child must reach the age of 3 or 4 by December 31 of the current school year in order to attend the 3 or 4 year old program, respectively.
238 Main Street
Terryville, CT 06786
Phone: 860-582-3121
To register for events:
Contact: Elise Brand, Children's Librarian
Children's Activities include:
Weekly story times and book discussion groups, chess club, monthly craft activities, movies, and summer programs and more. Activities frequently change, please visit the library website. You must pre-register for all events by clicking here or calling the library.
Back to School assistance
The Small Wonders Back to School Program provides low income children of all ages with a backpack, required supplies and an outfit to wear on the first day of school. Child must be a resident of Plymouth.
Donors are needed to insure that every child can start off the school year with everything they need. Please contact Carin in Plymouth Human Services for more information at 860-585-4028.
Phone: 860-584-8837 ext. 30
Visit the Clubs page for information on the following: Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Terryville Plymouth Little League, and Terryville Youth Soccer Club, Inc.
Click here then select the "Medical Resources" tab for the following information:
WIC provides specific nutritious foods and nutrition education to eligible pregnant women, postpartum women up to six months regardless of how pregnancy ends, breastfeeding women up to one year after delivery and infants and children up to their fifth birthday. CT Department of Public Health WIC Program.
9 Prospect St.
Bristol CT
Phone: 860-585-3280
Hours: M,T,Th 8a-4:45p, W 8a-5:45p, F 8a-2:45p
Eligibility: Call for details
Offers free or reduced price school meals to children whose family income is at or below 185% of the Federal Poverty Level. Parents/guardians can apply at any time during the school year for this program.
*Families with children enrolled in the Plymouth School system apply at the school where the child/children are enrolled.
Church is located at 4 North StreetOffice is located at 2 North Street
P.O. Box 121
Plymouth, CT 06782
Phone: 860-283-6181
Email: fbcp24@gmail.comwebsite is:
Pastor: Rev. Richard J. DionnePastor Emeritus: Rev. Dr. Christopher Drew
Sunday Worship Schedule: 10 am
Sunday School: during church service
23 Church Street
Terryville, CT 06786
Phone: 860-583-8659
Pastor: Frederick J. Jackson
Sunday Worship Schedule
* 9:30 a.m. Christian Academy
*11:30 a.m. Morning Service
* 5:00 p.m. Afternoon Service
* Prayer 30 minutes before service
8 Maple Street
Terryville, CT 06786
Phone: 860-582-0723
Parsonage: 860-582-4062
Pastor: Rev. Joel D. Kotila
Sunday Worship Schedule
9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship
10:00 a.m. Coffee Hour/Fellowship
10:30 a.m. Bible Study
10:30 a.m. Sunday School
A Congregation of Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
Annual Events:
Vacation Bible School (summer)
Advent & Lent Midweek Services
Lenten Suppers
Sauerkraut Supper (spring)
Palm Sunday Brunch (spring)
Easter Services
Sunday School Rally Picnic
Holiday Bazaar (fall)
Christmas & Christmas Eve Services
New Years Eve Services
Christmas Walk
Missions & Funds
Lutheran Hour Ministries
Lift High the Cross - TV
Vacation Bible School Mission
Pastor Breuer Scholarship Fund
Ladies Aid Scholarship Fund
Seminarian Pledge
For the Sake of the Church
Bantam Church (our sister congregation)
Monthly Missions
Holiday Food Baskets: Thanksgiving, Christmas & Easter
Holy Trinity Relief Fund
Small Wonders (Plymouth Human Services)
170 Main Street - Church
19 Allen Street - Mail, Rectory and Office
Terryville, CT 06876
Phone: 860-583-4697
Emergency Phone: 860-256-4734 (leave msg)
Pastor: Tomasz Sztuber
Worship Schedule
8:00 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.: Sunday Mass
7:30 a.m. Monday - Wednesday Mass
Hours: Monday - Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Immaculate Conception Church is a Roman Catholic Church serving as a pathway to Heaven, while seeking Justice here on Earth.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Women's Guild of the Immaculate Conception Church
526 Main Street
Plymouth, CT 06782
Phone: 860-584-0123
10 Park Street
Plymouth, CT 06782
Phone: 860/283-5389
Minister: Rev. Bill Hawley
Provides a place for Worship, Christian Education, and Fellowship as well as Community Services such as a Thrift Shop and use of the Green and Fellowship Room.
Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. in the Stoughton Building, children age 3 to grade 8.
Worship for Sunday School children - 10:00 a.m.
Senior Choir Rehearsal - 8:45 a.m. in the church sanctuary.
Coffee hour after worship - 11:00 a.m. in the fellowship room.
Adult Bible Study - Every other Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. call office for details.
Piecemakers Quilting Group - Every Monday at 7:00 p.m.
The Good News Thrift Store is open Wednesday through Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
23 Main Street
Terryville, CT 06786
Phone: 860/378-4218
Pastor: Pastor David Townsley
Service Times
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship
6:00 p.m. Sunday Evening Service
7:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meetin
Riverside Baptist Church is a Bible-believing Independent Baptist Church located on Route 6 at the Bristol/Terryville town line. Please note our facility is ADA Compliant.
19 Allen Street - Church
19 Allen Street - Rectory and Office
Terryville, CT 06786
Phone: 860-583-4697
Emergency Phone: 860-256-4734 (leave msg)
Pastor: Tomasz Sztuber
Mass Times
4:00 p.m. Saturday Vigil Mass
9:30 a.m. Sunday Mass
7:30 a.m. Thursday and Friday Mass
Hours: Monday - Friday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
"We are a Catholic Church that gathers to pray and worship and offer care and fellowship with our service to God and others."
Church Clubs:
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Rosary Society of St. Casimir Church
Women's Guild of St. Casimir Church
34 Fairview
Terryville, CT 06786
Phone: 860-582-3631
Pastor: Rev. John Hopko
35 Allen Street
Terryville, CT 06786
Phone: 860-583-7588
Pastor: Rev. Paul Luniw
134 Main Street
Terryville, CT 06786
Phone: 860-540-0839
Pastor: Pastor Lisa K. Watson-Barcia
A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA)
Sunday Worship Schedule
9:00 a.m. Sunday Traditional Service
10:00 a.m. Coffee Hour/Fellowship
10:25 a.m. Sunday School
Wednesday Worship Schedule
7:00 p.m. Word & Prayer Service
The first Wednesday of the month is a healing service.
7:30 p.m. - During Lent - Wednesday Service
Annual Events:
Lenten Mid-week Supper & Services
Sauerkraut Supper (fall)
Easter Services
Ecumenical Christmas/Carol Walk
Fall Bazaar
(2) Christmas Eve Services - Family & Candlelight service
Church groups
Puppet Ministry
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Men's Ministry
Bible Study
Missions & Funds
Vacation Bible School
Plymouth Food Pantry
Holiday Giving: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter
Small Wonders (through Plymouth Human Services)
Dora Schubert Scholarship Fund
St. Paul Scholarship
Camp Calumet
Nelson Scholarship
233 Main Street
Terryville, CT 06786
Phone: 860-589-0182
Pastor: Rev. Zachary Mabe
36 North Main Street
Terryville, CT 06786
Phone: 860-584-1659
Elder Stephen Morin
The Storehouse
43 Prospect St.
Bristol CT
Phone: 860-589-0662
Hours: Wednesday 9:30 am-12 pm
Eligibility: Must meet income guidelines, bring income documentation and photo ID
80 Main St.
Terryville CT
Phone Number: 860-585-4028
Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 8:00am - 4:30pm. Friday 8:30am - 11:30pm
Eligibility: Need of clothing, interview. Vouchers available for used clothing. Donations not accepted.
Connecticut Department of Social Services - | Jobs First Employment Services.
For contact information, see DSS Service Modernization
Client Services
Job Matching/Referral, Veterans Services, Certification for Employment and Training, Dislocated Workers, Job Training Partnership Act, Employment Search Programs, Unemployment Compensation Services.
How to apply: Go to the CT Department of Labor's website for information on eligibility for unemployment compensation.
Applying for benefits can be done over the phone using the "Dial to File" system or over the internet at
Dial to File phone listings for our area:
Description | Phone # | |
Hartford/Enfield/Bristol/New Britain/Manchester areas | 860-566-5790 | |
Torrington area | 860-482-5581 | |
Waterbury area | 203-596-4140 | |
**TTY (English) | 800-842-9710 | |
**TTY (Spanish) | 800-680-3746 |
To appeal a ruling: File an appeal with the Employment Security Appeals Division. For more information go to:
If you need an attorney's assistance to help with an appeal call:
The Lawyer Referral Services for Litchfield Country at 860-525-6052 or contact: Statewide Legal Services for households with low income at 800-453-3320.
The State of Connecticut Department of Labor's website has information and job search tools including:
Information on interviews, resumes, cover letters, and preparing for job/career fairs.
CT JobCentral - an online database of nationally posted job openings.
Job Fair Listings
Connecticut Job & Career ConneCTion - information on finding a career that is right for you, information about occupations, searching for jobs, employers, education, and training
All residents: Full service CT Works centers offer computerized job matching, assessment and employability planning, vocational counseling and job referral and placement. Resumes may be placed into an employer-searchable database of resumes. The centers have self-service job search support services that include research materials, phones, fax machines, postage, personal computers, software to design and print resumes, and free access to the internet for job search purposes. CT Works One Stops are a collaborative effort of state, regional and local organizations.
The nearest full service CT Works centers are:
260 Lafayette Street
New Britain, CT
Employment Services Phone: 860-827-6200
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Career Center Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
K Mart Shopping Plaza
685 Main Street
Torrington, CT
Main Phone Number: 860-496-3300
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
249 Thomaston Avenue
Waterbury, CT
Main phone number: 203-437-3380
55 South Street, Bristol, CT
Phone Number: 860-584-2725
Online job search sites:
Helpful resume sites:
Employment Resource websites:
CareerOneStop: Salary and Benefits Information
Occupational Outlook Handbook
The Ultimate Job Relocation Guide for the Newly Hired plus a Mortgage Calculator
Coping with Stress at work
Maturity Works/Senior Community Services Employment Program (Title V) is a federally funded program that matches low income (at or below 125% of the Federal Poverty Level) older adults aged 55 plus with jobs in the private or non-profit sector.
355 Goshen Road
Litchfield, CT
Phone: 860-567-0863 ext. 150 Voice
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
EveryOne Works Program offers assistive technology and job search assistance services to people with disabilities utilizing the CT Works Centers at the following locations:
2 Lafayette Square
Bridgeport CT
Main phone number: 203-455-2700
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a - 4:30 p
1642 Bedford St., 1st Floor
Stamford, CT
Main Phone Number: 203-353-1702
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
The centers offer services including interpreter services, benefits counseling, information on education and training programs, and magnification with speech, screen reader, text to speech/OCR, word prediction, Braille translator, voice recognition, CCTV, TTY, height adjustable chairs, workstations, keyboard trays, alternative keyboards and mouse systems.
Online Resources:
CT Works centers have specialized Local Veterans Employment Representatives (LVER) and Disabled Veterans Outreach Program Specialists (DVOP) to assist veterans with employment and training needs. Services include vocational guidance, case management, counseling services and workshops on topics such as resumes/cover letters, job search and navigating the internet.
To reach the nearest Local Veterans Employment Representatives (LVER) and Disabled Veterans Outreach Program Specialists (DVOP) call:
Contact Info | Phone # | |
Hartford Office: | ||
Don Deutsch, (LVER) | 860-256-3713 | |
James Campbell (DVOP) | 860-256-3711 M-Th | |
Waterbury Office: | ||
Bill Brewer (DVOP) | 203-437-3295 | |
Jason Coppola (DVOP) | 203-437-3297 M-Th | |
Torrington Office: | ||
Bill Brewer (DVOP) | 860-496-3310 by appointment |
The Vocational Rehabilitation Representative, Al Despins (DVOP), can be reached by calling 860-594-6617.
Online Resources:
CT Works Centers and some community based agencies help youth prepare for and locate employment.
Bristol Community Organization has a youth employment program for youths aged 16 to 21 that qualify under Title 1B of the Work Force Investment Act. For more information contact:
55 South Street
Bristol CT
Main Phone number: 860-589-8623
Opportunities Industrialization Center of New Britain has a summer youth employment and learning program for youths aged 14-19 that qualify. For more information contact:
One Grove Street, Suite 315
New Britain, CT
Voicemail: 860-224-7151
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Online Resources:
American Job Center
Exploring your Career Options: Federal Student Aid Dept. of Education
All CT Works centers offer job search services for ex-offenders. Both the Hartford and Bridgeport offices offer in-depth workshops and enhanced job search assistance.
3580 Main Street
Hartford, CT
Main phone Number: 860-256-3700
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Resource Library: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.
2 Lafayette Square
Bridgeport CT
Main phone number: 203-455-2700
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
The WIA authorizes and funds training and employment programs and services to youth and adults who are disadvantaged because of education level, income level, age, criminal history and other issues. The programs are offered through the CT Works centers.
For information about employment with the State of Connecticut please visit their website at or call 528-7442.
Hartford: 860-525-5015
Dress for Success helps low-income women transition into the workplace by providing job-retention programs, interview attire, employment attire, mentoring programs, coaching and support groups free of charge. Clients are referred by not-for-profit and government agencies.
Temporary employment agencies are listed in the yellow pages of the phone book under the "Employment Agencies" category or are available on the web at
Nearest agencies:
580 Broad Street
Bristol, CT
Main Phone Number: 860-583-4461
189 Redstone Hill Road
Bristol, CT
Main Phone Number: 860-582-2879
204 North Street
Bristol, CT
Main Phone Number: 860-314-2319
*Labor Ready specializes in day labor and pays workers at the end of each day. This is a good option for unskilled workers who need to be paid quickly.
55 South Street
Bristol, CT 06010
Phone: 860-584-2725
Work experience and summer youth employment for low income or handicapped youth.
Connecticut Department of Social Services - For contact information, see DSS Service Modernization.
Hotline: 800-842-0229
Hotline Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
A statewide referral service of the Connecticut Department of Higher Education. They are a central source of free information for anyone who has questions about colleges, careers, and job training.
Foothills Adult and Continuing Education
Phone: 800-300-4782
Free Classes offered at Terryville High School
355 Goshen Road, P.O Box 909, Litchfield, CT 06759
Phone: 860-567-0863
267 Grand Street
Waterbury, CT 06702
Phone: 203-754-1164
Offers free, one-on-one & small group training in basic literacy & English-as-a-second language for adults & youths not in school. United Way 2-1-1 for literacy programs throughout the state.
170 Ridge Road
Wethersfield, CT 06109
Phone: 1-800-842-4510
Information and referral, social services, rehabilitation teaching, legal benefits, low vision services, aids and appliances.
GED Classes
210 Redstone Hill Road
Bristol, CT
Phone: 860-584-7865
Offering classes in foreign languages, business & vocational, cultural & special interest, home arts, practical arts, woodworking, arts & crafts, health & recreation, SAT preparation, music.
Litchfield County Extension System
1304 Winsted Road
Torrington, CT 06790
Phone: 860-626-6240
Information concerning agriculture, family and consumer sciences, natural resources & 4H youth development.
431 Minor Street
Bristol, CT 06010
Phone: 860-584-8433
For adults and high school students 900 hour courses in welding, auto-mechanics, digital electronics, food trade/baking, computer aided drafting, machine tool/CNC machine, air conditioning-refrigeration & heating, and spring training programs available. Contact Guidance Office.
Research and/or apply for FAFSA, or Federal Student Aid
Federal Student Aid Dept. of Education
Preparing for a job interview should be taken seriously. The competition is fierce. Preparation helps you keep your cool and not slip up in what most of us consider an uncomfortable position-the dreaded interview process. An interview is the key before a company hires, so discover how to sell yourself before meeting with the prospective employer. Nothing compares to being prepared.
After the interview: Send a note. A follow up or thank you note while optional is a very good idea. Remember, the competition is fierce- you want to stand out as a cut above the rest of the applicants! Use it to ask additional questions or simply to thank the interviewer for their time. Keep the note brief. Address it to the interviewer.
Information and guidance for individuals who are interested in starting their own small business. Nearest sites:
Connecticut District Office
330 Main Street, Second Floor
Hartford, CT 06106
Phone: 860-240-4700
Business Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
c/o Chamber of Commerce
200 Main St., 1st Floor
Bristol, CT
Voicemail: 860-584-4718
Site Hours: Call for appointment
Fee: No charge
Emergency shelters provide the minimum necessities of life to individuals and families on a limited basis during a period of dislocation, crisis or emergency. Services which are available without regard to income may be restricted to particular ages, sex, population groups or referring agency. The Department of Social Services (DSS) funds emergency shelters that support individuals and families who have become homeless due to a variety of causes such as fire, eviction, unemployment and/or natural disaster. Emergency Shelter Services may include initial food and shelter, housing assistance, counseling, information and referral, crisis intervention, and assistance with hygiene. Transitional Living Programs help facilitate the movement of homeless people into decent housing and stable living environment.
Call Infoline at 2-1-1 for availability.
The Town of Plymouth often opens a shelter in town during inclement weather if power outages or extreme cold is anticipated. Please call Infoline at 2-1-1 to confirm if there is a local shelter open and the hours of operation.
If your problem is | Call | Phone # |
Foreclosure related | Statewide Legal Services | 860-344-0380 or 1-800-453-3320 or apply online at |
Cash for keys | Attorney General | 860-808-5318 |
Security Deposit | Bank Department | 860-240-8154 or 1-800-831-7225 x8154 |
Eviction/Foreclosure Programs (EFPP)
EFPP offers assessment, mediation, and financial assistance for low income CT residents experiencing a non-recurring, unexpected hardship who have past due rent or mortgage payments and who have received a notice to quit or notice of foreclosure. This is not an entitlement program.
55 South St.
Bristol CT
Phone Number: 860-589-8623
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30-4:30
Resident experiencing a non-recurrent, unexpected, documentable hardship. Other restrictions apply. Call for details
Foreclosure Counseling
If you are unable to make your mortgage payments, contact your lender immediately to explain your situation. Stay in touch with your lender. Do not avoid the lender’s attempts to contact you. There are HUD approved mortgage counseling and loss prevention mitigation services available.
223 Broad St.
New Britain CT
Phone: 860-224-2344
139 Prospect Ave.
Waterbury CT
Phone: 203-753-1896
Hotline: 877-472-8313
Phone: 877-571-2432
Superior Courts in CT offer the Foreclosure Mediation Program which provides free mediation for homeowners and lenders. Courts can also provide information regarding landlord and/or tenant disputes. Please contact the court house for more information.
20 Franklin Square
New Britain CT
Phone: 860/515-5080
Your rights and options
Homes and Communities, “How to Avoid Foreclosure”
“FHA Loan Delinquency Timeline -- How to Avoid Foreclosure”
“Avoiding Foreclosure”
The U.S. government has recently launched a new website to help homeowners find ways of what they can do for making their homes affordable in this mortgage crisis. The address is:
Beware of Foreclosure Scams: before signing any document that deals with your mortgage get the advice of an attorney, a HUD approved housing counselor, or a real estate professional you know and trust. You may also call the Better Business Bureau or the State’s Attorney to verify the legitimacy of the business. The Federal Trade Commission has a paper online regarding foreclosure scams:
Cash assistance may be possible for people with very limited resources who are either disabled or have children. Please call the specific agencies for more details regarding eligibility.
Connecticut Department of Social Services - | Temporary Family Assistance (TFA) | State Administered General Assistance (SAGA) | For contact information, see DSS Service Modernization.
Office Hours: M-F 7:30-4:00
Online applications available
Mail to: DSS ConneCT Scanning Center P.O. Box 1320 Manchester, CT 06045-1320
Main phone Number: 1-855-626-6632
TTY: 1-800-842-4524
80 Main Street
Terryville, CT
Phone Number: 860/585-4028
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Property Tax & Rent Relief for the elderly & totally disabled - Plymouth Assessor's Office
Phone: 800-842-0134
Phone: 860-489-1633
864 Wethersfield Ave.
Hartford, CT
Phone Number: 860-296-0719
Phone: 800-445-5394
Phone: 800-656-6684
Phone: 800-262-4414
Phone: 203-566-7810
Phone: 800-842-4315
Eligibility information for these programs available at the About the Medicare Savings Program website.
For more information or to obtain an application for this program, please call Carin Grunwald at 860-585-4028.
The amount of benefit a household can receive depends on the income, age and number of people in the household and certain deductible expenses. The program does have income restrictions but no asset limits. No lien is placed on an individual’s home.
Visit the State of CT SNAP overview site for more information.
80 Main St.
Terryville CT
Phone: 860-585-4028
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Phone: 1-855-626-6632
TTY: 1-800-842-4524
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
DSS Online
The CT Department of Social Services has a "new self-help" online program. You can find out what benefits you may be eligible for and benefits you are currently on. You can also find out if forms are due. Go to or contact Carin Grunwald in Human Services to learn more.
Food Pantries
Food pantries offer assistance to families and individuals in need. They can be a good option for individuals who have either run out of food stamps or were ineligible for food stamps and need to supplement their groceries.
20 Dewey Ave.
Terryville CT
Phone: 860-584-1750
Eligibility: Call for more information
Facebook page:
Website: Under construction
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Site Hours: Monday 10:00 am -12 noon, Friday 10:00 am -12:00 pm, of each month 5:00 - 7:00 pm
Monday and Friday 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. or by appointment.
If the delivery is large, i.e. from a school or Cub Scout Pack or other large group, please call and make an appointment for delivery. Accommodations for other hours by appointment only.
Drop-off site for non-perishable items is at Plymouth Volunteer Ambulance Corps building, 191 Main Street, Terryville daily from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. There is a box inside the back door to collect donations.
Monday, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., and monthly on the second Tuesday 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
When there is a holiday on a Monday, the Food Pantry will be open on Wednesday. If the Plymouth Public School System is closed due to inclement weather, the Food Pantry will be closed. If it is a Monday, they will open on Wednesday.
If you are interested in applying to access the food pantry, you must complete an application and show proof of residency in the town of Plymouth, Terryville, or Pequabuck. PLEASE CALL FIRST for an appointment to meet with the coordinator. All information will be kept strictly confidential. Delivery is available to Gosinski Park. Please call the above number for details.
The Plymouth Community Food Pantry provides food and referrals to those in need.
We are dedicated to working in and with our community to end hunger, its causes and effects.
Most Needed:
All donations of food and related items are welcome, but these items are most in need: applesauce, beef stew, canned fruit, canned pasta meals, canned tomatoes, hot and cold cereal, coffee and tea, cookies, crackers, detergent, hash or other canned meats, instant mashed potatoes, jello, jelly, juices, macaroni and cheese, mayonnaise, pancake mix and syrup, paper goods, pasta, peanut butter, pudding, rice, shampoo, soap and other personal care items, soup, spaghetti sauce, tuna fish and large paper bags.
From Rt. 6, turn onto Allen Street. Take 2nd right onto Fairview Avenue. Take second right onto Dewey Avenue. Turn left into parking lot.
Volunteers are always welcome to staff the Food Pantry. Please contact the coordinator for more information.
Monetary donations are gladly accepted to help defray the ongoing operations of the Pantry. They may be mailed to the above address or dropped off at the office which is located in the white house next door to the pantry. Donations are tax-deductible and you will receive an acknowledgement, including the amount of your donation.
Phone: 860-670-8818. Call one day before between 10:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.
Hours: 12:00 p.m. Monday - Friday.
Elderly Nutrition Program meals are served at the Gosinski Park Community Room to persons and their spouses 60 years of age or older. All meals are served with a variety of bread and margarine, coffee, tea and 1% milk. Donations: $2.50 (or whatever you can afford). *Menu Subject to Change.*
Soup Kitchens: serve prepared meals to individuals and families in need.
43 Prospect St.
Bristol CT
Phone: 860-589-0662
Hours: Wednesday 9:30 am-12 pm
Eligibility: Must meet income guidelines, bring income documentation and photo ID
233 Main St.
Terryville, CT
Phone: 860-589-0182
Hours: Last Sunday per month 12:00p
Eligibility: For anyone in need
19 Stearns St.
Bristol CT
Phone: 860-583-4651
Hours: Monday - Friday 11:30a - 12:45p
Eligibility: Call for more information
WIC provides specific nutritious foods and nutrition education to eligible pregnant women, postpartum women up to six months regardless of how pregnancy ends, breastfeeding women up to one year after delivery and infants and children up to their fifth birthday. CT Department of Public Health WIC Program.
9 Prospect St.
Bristol CT
Phone: 860-585-3280
Hours: M,T,Th 8a-4:45p, W 8a-5:45p, F 8a-2:45p
Eligibility: Call for details
Home delivered meals for frail elderly, some costs apply, contact either company for updated cost information
CW Resources 860-229-7700
Cook Willow 860-283-8208
Offers free or reduced price school meals to children whose family income is at or below 185% of the Federal Poverty Level. Parents/guardians can apply at any time during the school year for this program.
*Families with children enrolled in the Plymouth School system apply at the school where the child/children are enrolled.
An initiative for healthier towns, communities and parks.
Volunteers who are passionate about ending smoking around the world with steps to help people who want to quit
20 East Orchard Street
Terryville, CT 06786
Phone: 860/589-1160
Fax: 860/589-1160
Site Administrator: Barbara Zimmerman
Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
A Housing facility for the elderly, handicapped and disabled persons. There is one building of three levels with thirty-four one bedroom units. Services and amenities include garbage disposal, kitchen appliances, telephone and cable TV connections, water, sewer, laundry facilities, patio for resident outdoor activities, and a Resident's Association. Services not provided by the facility are: 24 hour coverage by staff; meals; housekeeping; medical care; personal services and assistance with transferring or medications; social worker; transportation; and, care of resident's pets. (Not a limiting list).
42 South Street, Rt. 262
Plymouth, CT 06782
Phone: 860/283-1194
Fax: 860/283-6266
Evergreen in Litchfield hills is an active adult condominium communityon Rt. 262 in historic Plymouth, CT. The community, has been designed to make the most of its natural surroundings. Classical architecture and beautiful vistas will be Evergreen hallmarks.
There are 9 distinctly different floor plans, all of which feature main-level living, with one and two bedroom models. Many units will have attached garages and lofts. The cornerstone of the campus will be the Homestead, and 1816 farmhouse, which, when renovations are complete, will become the Evergreen clubhouse. Clubhouse membership will be included in the monthly fee and will provide members with a library, dining area, woodworking shop, computer room with internet access, and a swimming pool with fitness center and whirlpool spa.
Evergreen's condominium homes will feature open, airy floor plans, fully equipped kitchens, central air conditioning, generous closet space and architectural amenities specific to each floor plan.
31 Gosinski Park
Terryville, CT 06786
Phone: 860-584-9355
Hours: Monday, Wednesday, & Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Low income housing for the elderly or handicapped. Rent is dependent on income. Efficiency units are available for single occupancy and one bedroom units for double occupancy. Dial-a-ride, laundry facilities available. Weekday meals provided Monday - Friday in the Community Room or by meals-on-wheels. Contact information below.
CW Resources 860-229-7700
Cook Willow 860-283-8208
Click here for the Town of Plymouth Housing Authority /Gosinski Park Housing Application
N. Main Street and Quail Hollow Court, Terryville, CT
mail to: 144 N. Main Street, Terryville, CT 06786
Phone: 860-589-3266 or 860-585-9285
Contact Person: Lynne Bobroske
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Affordable independent senior living development.
Free home repairs may be available for low income neighbors! HomeFront is now heading into its 28th season of organizing volunteers to assist low-income neighbors in need. Each year, HomeFront volunteers revitalize roughly 100 deserving properties at no cost to the recipients. Those seeking help for our upcoming 2015 season must apply by Saturday, November 15th. If you are in need after that date, please contact 800-887-4673 to discuss whether an exception can be made.
Attached are 2015 Homeowner Application materials. Please contact us if you need more. You may also access them on our website: or contact our office at: 800-887-4673.
The goal of HomeFront volunteers is to assist each designated home or community center with quality of life repair concerns. Examples of repairs include carpentry, plumbing, electric work, weatherproofing, drywall, lock repairs, roof patching, window replacement, installation of smoke detectors, painting, clean up and yard work. All of the work itself is completed on HomeFront Day, during the first weekend of May.
P.O. Box 350
New Britain, CT 06050-0350
Phone: 860-612-2003
Fax: 860-223-0538
Bankruptcy, Consumer, Child Custody, Dissolution of Marriage, Foreclsoure, Elder Law, Employment, Government Benefits, Health, Housing, Immigration, Individual Rights, Juvenile, Nonprofits, Probate, Public Benefits, Real Estate, Special Education, Tax Law, Termination of Parental Rights and Wills. For pro bono volunteer recruitment, training and recognition only. Cases are placed by over a dozen member legal aid agencies in our network. Clients must be 125% of poverty level.
The Legal Assistance Resource Center of Connecticut (LARCC) advocates legislatively and administratively for policies which benefit low-income people. We produce community education pamphlets and other publications, and provide workshops on poverty-related issues.
LARCC sponsors the Connecticut Alliance for Basic Human Needs (CABHN), a statewide information and advocacy network. The network has over 3,000 members who are concerned about issues affecting low income people in Connecticut.
Toll Free Hotline: 1-800-453-3320
Handles a variety of non-criminal legal problems. Call or apply for legal aid online.
Community-based health centers that provide healthcare on a sliding fee cale or reduced rates.
469 Migeon Ave.
Torrington, CT 06790
Phone number: 860-489-0931
Hours: M, Th, F 8a-5p, Tu 8a-8p, Sa 8a-1p
Eligibility: All Torrington and Northwest corner of CT residents
Fee: Accepts most insurance, sliding fee scale if qualified
80 Phoenix Ave.
Waterbury, CT
Main phone number: 203-756-8021
Site hours: M-F 8a-4p; 2 Saturdays/month 8a-12Noon
Fee: Sliding fee; inability to pay not an obstacle to treatment
95 Scovill St.
Pavilion B in Croft Commons
Waterbury, CT
Main phone number 203-709-7081
Site hours M-Th 8a-7p; F 8:30a-5:30p
Eligibility: Age 0-17years
Fee: Set/sliding scale
95 Scovill St.
Waterbury, CT
Main phone number: 203-709-3800
Site hours: M-F 8a-4:30p
Eligibility: Age 18 and over
Fee: Set/sliding scale
1302 S. Main St.
Waterbury, CT
Main phone number: 203-597-9044
Site hours Medical: by appointment M, T, Th, F 8a-4p, W 11a-7p, one Saturday/month 8a-12p
Mental health: M-Th 8a-7p; F 8a-4p
Fee: Sliding fee
10 North Main Street
Bristol, CT 860-584-6555
Phone: 860-584-6555
Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Walk-ins welcome!
Wheeler has served the greater Bristol community for generations. They have now expanded to bring medical health care services to every generation in the family! Services available in English and Spanish. Medicaid, Medicare, and commercial insurance welcome. A sliding fee scale is available.
Services include primary care for all ages, well-child care & immunizations, physical examinations, gynecological care, integrated behavioral health care, coordination and referral for dental care and specialty health services, and the program "Ready to quit smoking? We can help." Services and support free.
80 Main St.
Terryville, CT
Phone number: 860-585-4028
Office hours: M-F 9:00a-4:30p
Dental care is available on a sliding fee scale, reduced rate or free.
469 Migeon Ave.
Torrington, CT 06790
Phone number: 860-489-0931
Hours: M, Th, F 8a-5p, Tu 8a-8p, Sa 8a-1p
Eligibility: All Torrington and Northwest CT residents
Fee: Accepts most insurance, sliding fee scale if qualified.
133 Scovill St.
Waterbury, CT
Phone number: 203-709-7055
Site hours: M-F 8:30a-4:30p
Eligibility: ages 1 and over
Fee: Set fee. Care is provided regardless of income, however minimum fees apply and payment is expected on the day of service.
80 Phoenix Ave.
Waterbury, CT
Phone number: (Coordinator) 203-756-8021 ext.3055 (Dental Suite) ext. 3105
Site hours: M-F 8a-4p; 2 Sat/month 8a-12 Noon; Walk-in emergencies 8a-2p.
Eligibility: Families with one or more adults or children receiving WIC
Fee: Sliding fee; fee based on family size
1302 S. Main St.
Waterbury CT
Main phone number: 203-597-9044
Site hours by appointment only: M,T,W,Th 8a-7p, F 8a-4p
Eligibility: Children and adults aged one and over
Fee: Most insurances accepted; no insurance is not an obstacle to treatment
263 Farmington Ave.
Farmington, CT
Phone number: 860-679-3415
Site hours: M-F 8:30a-5p
Eligibility: Adults aged 18 and older
Fee: Set fee; fee is lower than customary fees. No insurance is not an obstacle to treatment
271 Scott Swamp Rd.
Farmington CT
Phone number: 860-255-3654
Site hours: Call for appointment. Open Jan-May and September – December
Eligibility: Ages three and over
Fee: Set fee; however fee is much lower than customary dental fees
2279 Mount Vernon Rd.
Southington CT
Phone number: 860-426-0467
Site hour: Call for appointment. Clinics run from Sept.-May
Eligibility: Toddlers to senior citizens
Fee: No charge
There are a variety of ways to reduce the costs of medications including healthcare plans that have a low cost Rx plan and some larger chain stores and drugstores offer low cost generic drugs. Call your health plan to inquire about Rx coverage or call local stores and drug pharmacies to inquire about their assistance programs.
Phone number: 1-888-477-2669
95 Scovill St. Waterbury CT
Phone number: 203-465-5292
Site hours: M-F 8-4 by appointment
Eligibility: Must meet specific criteria, call for more information. *Cost of medications will depend on the veteran’s priority group.
Brewster Rd., Bristol, CT
Phone: 860-585-3000
Emergency Room Phone: 860-585-3273
Physician Referral Service see website:
540 Litchfield Street
Torrington, CT
Phone: 860-496-6666
282 Washington Street
Hartford, CT
Phone: 860-545-9000
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT
Phone: 860-679-1000
80 Seymour Street
Hartford, CTR
Phone: 860-545-5000
1450 Chapel Street
New Haven, CT
1-800-215-9995 (toll-free)
2150 Corbin Avenue
New Britain, CT
Phone: 860-223-2761
Phone: 860-455-4500
14 Woodland Street
Hartford, CT
Phone: 860-714-4789
56 Franklin Street
Waterbury, CT
Phone: 203-709-6000
Substance Abuse Treatment: 203-709-6201
Physician Referral: 203-709-3627
50 Hospital Hill Road
Sharon, CT
Phone: 860-364-4000
Newington: 860-667-6838
West Haven: 203-932-5711
64 Robbins Street
Waterbury, CT
Phone: 203-573-6000
20 York Street
New Haven, CT
Phone: 203/688-4242
Physician Referral: 1-888-700-6543
Connecticut's Official Health Insurance Marketplace
Main phone number: 1-855-626-6632
TTY: 1-800-842-4524
Website: | For contact information, see DSS Service Modernization.
Office Hours: M-F 7:30-4:00
P.O. Box 1320
Manchester, CT 06045-1320
Medicaid/Title 19/Husky C is for income and asset eligible individuals and families. Families receiving TFA (Temporary Family Assistance) benefits receive Medicaid. Individuals over age 65 or between the ages of 21 and 65 with a disability are also eligible for Medicaid. For more information please visit:'s/medicaid.pdf
HUSKY A is a health care plan for uninsured children aged 19 and younger and who are U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents. There are income limits but no asset test for this program.
HUSKY A for Parents/Guardians: is a health insurance program for those whose child is insured under HUSKY A and whose income is at or below 185% of the Federal Poverty Level.
HUSKY B: is for uninsured children under 19 years of age who are U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents whose income is over 185% of the Federal Poverty Level.
HUSKY Infoline: 877-284-8759
The CT Department of Social Services has a "new self-help" online program. You can find out what benefits you may be eligible for and benefits you are currently on. You can also find out if forms are due. Go to or contact Carin Grunwald to learn more.
For more information or an application you can also contact:
80 Main St.
Terryville CT
Phone: 860-585-4028
Office Hours: M-F 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
CHOICES Counseling is now being offered at Plymouth Human Services. It is open to anyone with questions about Medicare, supplemental and Medigap, Part D, Medicaid, Prescription plans, etc. Call Carin Grunwald for an appointment at 860-585-4028.
Call the U.S. Department of Labor 1-866-275-7922 or visit
COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act): COBRA is a federal law that requires employers with 20 or more employees to let employees and their dependents keep their group health coverage for a time after they leave their group health plan under certain circumstances. These circumstances include voluntary or involuntary job loss, reduced working hours, transition between jobs, death, divorce and other life events. Once these aforementioned circumstances have occurred, your plan must notify you in writing explaining your rights under COBRA. You have 60 days from the date the notice is provided or from the date coverage ended, whichever is later, to elect COBRA coverage. COBRA coverage begins the day your health care coverage ended and lasts for up to 18 months. Under COBRA you may be required to pay the entire group rate premium for health care coverage. For more information:
Special COBRA Law for Connecticut residents aged 62-65: if a Connecticut employee between the ages of 62-65 loses their job and the employee is eligible for COBRA, then the employer is required to extend COBRA coverage until the person reaches age 65, regardless of the number of months involved. For more information, please contact:
Connecticut Department of Insurance: 800-203-3447.
Healthy Start Under this program, grants are made to hospitals, clinics, departments of health and other organizations to expand and enhance health services to low income pregnant women and children, and to assist women in obtaining Medicaid coverage for themselves and their children. Healthy Start contracts are jointly administered by the Department of Social Services and the Department of Public Health and Addiction Services.
Bristol Community Organization
55 South St
Bristol, CT 06010
Main phone number 860-584-2725
Office hours M-F 8:30a-4:30p
For general counseling needs. If you have private insurance, check with your carrier to obtain a list of in-network providers. If you do not have private insurance some community based agencies offer a sliding-fee scale for specific types of counseling.
440 North Main Street
Bristol, CT
Phone: 860-583-5858
TTY: 860-583-3833
Site Hours: M-Th 8a-8p and F 8a-4p
Eligibility: Age 18 and older
Fee: Sliding Fee; most insurance accepted
Affiliate of Bristol Hospital - Helping families with relationships, marital problems, alcohol and drug problems, stress, anxiety, divorce, death, phobias, depression and emotional challenges.
90 Franklin Square
New Britain, CT
Phone: 860-589-8662
Serving people of all faiths - marriage and family counseling, pregnancy counseling and adoption services. Sliding fee scale.
Support Services
300 Main Street
Bristol, CT 06010
Phone: 860-583-9954
Adult Services: Helps those recently discharged from a hospital to live and work independently in the community. Also provides Case Management.
Children Services: Counseling, therapy and special after school programs for those having problems at school.
23 South Street, Litchfield, CT 06759
Phone: 860-567-4437
Committed to helping individuals, families, children and the elderly who live or work in Litchfield County to get access to fast, confidential referrals to professional counseling and medical help.
If a client does not have insurance, or insurance does not cover the professional fee after the initial referral, Greenwoods can provide financial help from their subsidy fund.
64 Robbins Street, 2nd Floor
Waterbury, CT
Phone: 203-573-6500
Emergent/urgent behavioral health treatment 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Psychiatric assessments on an emergency basis. Will go on-site or arrange transportation to a care facility. Referrals to professionals. Telephone crisis counseling.
70 Pine Street
Waterbury, CT
Phone: 203-756-7287
Outpatient clinical psychiatric services for children infancy to age 18. Sliding fee scale.
Information and first appointment: 1-800-793-3588
Crisis stabilization program for children: 1-866-261-0893
Emergency Mobil Psychiatric Services for children and adolescents: 211 (Infoline)
Community Response Team for adults: 860-747-8719
Warm Line: 860-747-3434
There are support groups available for many different circumstances including grief, chronic illness, and victims of violence. If you need help finding a group call 2-1-1 or call Carin Grunwald, Human Services Director at 860-585-4028.
Phone: 860-747-3434 or 860-524-1182
Phone: 1-800-530-9511
Phone: 211
Telefono En Español: 860/733-3044
Phone: 1-888-825-2666
Adult Children of Alcoholics (A.C.O.A.)
Phone: 860-568-2876
Phone: 860-871-4584
Phone: 203-931-8839
Phone: 800-322-3222 or 860-251-6620
Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Distribute free booklet and posters on a wide range of educational materials that are age-appropriate and culturally specific HIV/AIDS.
Phone: 1-800-232-4424 or 860/793-9791
Wheeler Clinic's Connecticut Clearinghouse is a statewide library and resource center for information on substance use and mental health disorders, prevention and health promotion, treatment and recovery, wellness and other related topics.
Phone: 1-800-325-5391
Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Sponsored by CT Department of Health Services to answer questions about fetal exposure to drugs, alcohol, etc. Those encouraged to call include Health Care Professionals, pregnant women, their partners and those considering pregnancy.
Phone: 1-800-736-9805
For family with an addicted member.
Phone: 1-800-627-3543
Phone: 860-232-2861
The Guide to Keeping Your Job Before, During and After Rehab
Coping with Stress at work
Call the United Way for various budgeting classes. Please contact them for upcoming topics @ 860-582-9559 or visit their website
Consumer Credit Counseling Service/Money Management International (CCCS)
The only non profit credit counseling service organization in CT. They offer confidential financial counseling and debt management services. For more information, please visit their website at or call 800/208-2227.
“Credit Repair Scams”: some businesses promise to “repair your credit” but in reality some of these businesses take your money and do nothing to help your credit. Before you contact a debt management company, call the CT State’s Attorney office 860-808-5318, or the Better Business Bureau (203) 269-2700 to see if the company is legitimate.
Toll-free Number: 1-877-322-8228
Official Website:
It is a good idea for every adult to check their credit reports at least once a year for any mistakes or misinformation. Any discrepancies should be corrected immediately. You should get your credit reports from each of the three major credit reporting agencies – Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian – because the information about your credit history may be a little different in each report.
According to the Consumer Law Project for Elders, Federal law now allows everyone to obtain a free credit report annually from each of the three major credit reporting agencies.
Be aware that when you contact the credit reporting agencies they may try to sell you additional products, including credit scores. Most of the time you do not need these additional products and should decline them.
Lakin Tire West, Inc. 240 I-95 Frontage Rd West Haven, CT 06516
Website: | For contact information, see DSS Service Modernization
The ultimate aim of Carefree Dental is to provide access to a dental care network for individuals who are unable to get insurance cover through their employers or for those people looking for an affordable alternative option to insurance.
One of several key selling points is the fact that Carefree Dental customers can start accessing the savings available as soon as the plan is in place, rather than having to tolerate a waiting period before coverage commences, which is the normal scenario with individual dental insurance.
Carefree Dental also look to educate as well as assist customers where they can, and one example of this approach is their Helpful Dental Care Guide for Seniors, which provides a number of useful tips and poignant information.
CHOICES Counseling is now being offered at Plymouth Human Services. It is open to anyone with questions about Medicare, supplemental and Medigap, Part D, Medicaid, Prescription plans, screening for money saving programs, etc. Call Carin Grunwald, Human Services Director, for an appointment at 860-585-4028.
Phone: 860-585-3226
Click here then Housing tab
Town of Plymouth/Cooks Dial a Ride
Phone: 860-283-0060 Reservations call Cooks Transportation. Please leave a message if no answer.
Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, Friday 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Doctor's appointments must be made within the time frame listed above. Please allow a minimum of 48 hours notice. For medical, shopping, errands, social service appointments, senior center functions, social appointments and to CT Transit Bus stops.
Cost: Free
Phone: 203-756-8888
Phone: 860-585-3286
Click here then select the "Medical Resources" tab for the following information:
The Connecticut Home Care Program is a state and federally funded program that provides an array of home care services. The program helps eligible Connecticut residents remain at home instead of prematurely going to a nursing facility. Depending on the eligible person's health and living circumstances, the services offered may include home health services, homemaker services, visiting nurse services, adult day center services, adult foster care services, chore services, care management, home delivered meals, companion services, emergency response system and more.
This program offers relief to stressed caregivers by providing information, support, the development of an appropriate plan of care, and services for the individual with Alzheimer’s Disease or related dementias. This program is a joint partnership between the Alzheimer’s Association Connecticut Chapter, the Area Agencies on Aging, and the State of Connecticut Department of Social Services, Aging Services Division.
The State of Connecticut Department of Social Services Aging Services Division developed the Grandparents as Parents Support network (GAPS) to provide assistance in establishing grandparent support groups for grandparents and relatives raising children. This statewide network is designed to encourage and promote the creation of services for relatives who have taken on the responsibility of parenting.
Making the Move to Assisted Living
Moving Tips for Seniors
Senior Health Resources
Nutrition Guide for the Aging and Elderly
Boomer’s Roadmap to Aging in Place
Financial Resources for Seniors
Veterans Benefits for Seniors
Legal Planning for Alzheimer's and Dementia
Town of Plymouth/Cooks Dial a Ride
Phone: 860-283-0060 Reservations call Cooks Transportation. Please leave a message if no answer.
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Wednesday (Summer Schedule) to include concerts on the Green 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Sunday (Church Services Only) 8:00am – 11:30am
Saturday (2 times per month – shopping) 8:00am – 11:30am
This program is for local appointments (ex. medical, hair appointments, shopping) with 2 days notice. It is available for service out of area for medical appointments only, with at least one week notice.
Cost: Free
Phone: 203-756-8888
Phone: 860-585-3286
Windsor Locks, CT
Phone: 860-292-2000
1 Union Place; Hartford, CT
Bonanza Bus Lines, Inc. and Travel Center
12 Batterson Park Road; Farmington, CT
Phone: 860-677-5466
1 Union Place; Hartford, CT
Phone: 860-727-1776
Contains a wealth of information ranging from safety to active construction sites to long-range goals and more.
Commuter Express Bus Service, Local Bus Service, Rail Service, van pools and other alternatives to driving alone.
Online services, licensing information, publications, and more.
80 Main Street
Terryville, CT 06786
Phone Number: 860-585-4028
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00a - 4:30p
Help available includes emergency oil deliveries, advocating with CL&P and/or Yankee Gas to prevent shut off, assistance can come from a variety of sources including Plymouth Fuel Bank, Operation Fuel, and the Salvation Army.
Matching Payment Programs:
Also known as Arrearage Forgiveness programs are payment incentive programs offered by CT’s regulated natural gas and or electric utilities to their income-eligible customers. Although the specific requirements are different at each utility, one common qualification is that the customer must be eligible for energy assistance. To discuss the programs offered by your utility company call:
Phone: 800-286-5844
Phone: 800-438-2278
Eversource/Electric Customers
Phone: 800-286-2000
Eversource/Gas Customers
Phone: 800-438-0900
Weatherization programs for CEAP/CHAP energy assistance recipients may be available. Funds are limited and a priority is given to households with a child under age 6 or with someone who is disabled or age 60 and over. There may be a waiting list.
The CT Housing Investment Fund administers two state energy conservation programs. 1) Single Family Loans are available to homeowners (1-4 units) for the purchase and installation of cost-saving conservation improvements; 2) Multi-Family Loans are provided to owners of apartment buildings enabling both tenants and owners to save money through cost-saving energy improvements.
For more information and eligibility requirements:
Contact CHIF: 800-992-3665
*The Town of Plymouth also has a Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program that many assist with home improvements and energy conservation. For more information contact:
Office of the Mayor
80 Main Street
Terryville, CT 06786
Phone Number: 860-585-4001
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30a - 4:30p
Connecticut's Energy Information Center: Provides consumers with the resources to:
Utility Shut-Off Protection:
CT residents may be protected from shut-off of their utility services under certain circumstances. Contact Carin Grunwald, Human Services Director with any questions.
Electric and gas:
In CT, utility companies that provide natural gas and/or electric service are limited by law as to when and under what circumstances they are permitted to shut off a customer’s service. Life-threatening Shut-Offs: electric and gas companies may not shut off or refuse to turn on utility service at any time if a lack of service is life-threatening regardless of the amount of money the customer owes. Proof of “life-threatening” situations is usually required. Please contact your service provider to find out what documentation is required to be coded as a protection customer.
Winter Moratorium/Winter Protection:
Protection for low-income persons from heat source shut-offs that are not life-threatening is available from Nov. 1- May 1 under certain circumstances depending on whether the company provides electric or gas service. Northeast Utilities protects hardship cases from NON- heat utility shut-offs. Gas companies have detailed specific terms regarding shut-off and “hardship” cases. Please contact your provider regarding their specific terms and see the pamphlet “Rights of Utility Customers” published by the Legal Assistance Resource Center of CT at:
Payment Arrangements:
If you are facing a shutoff you should contact your utility company immediately and explain the situation. You may be required to submit proof of unemployment or other documents in order to support your claim. You might need to agree to a payment arrangement. If you cannot afford the payment arrangement they are offering, do not agree to it. If you agree to an arrangement that you cannot keep, the utility company does not have to offer you another arrangement. If you feel the payment arrangement offer is not fair, ask to speak to a supervisor at the utility company and ask for a “below-budget arrangement”. The company may refer you to Statewide Legal Services or the State Social Services Office to help you complete a “budget sheet”. If none of these options works and you feel that you should be offered a lower payment arrangement, contact the Department of Public Utility Control (DPUC) at 800/382-4586 to see if they can assist you.
Veterans Assistance
111 North Main Street
Bristol, CT 06010
Phone: 800-447-9160
Telephone Credit Program
Lifeline/Conn. Telephone Connection Assistance Program (CTCAP): Lifeline is an FCC telephone credit program for customers receiving assistance from one of the following state or federal benefit programs: Care 4 Kids, CT Energy Assistance Program (CEAP), and Contingency Heating Assistance Program (CHAP), CONNPACE, SNAP (food stamps), Personal Care Assistance, Refugee Program, Rental Assistance, SAGA, State Supplement to the Aged, Blind or Disabled, SSI, Temporary Family Assistance (TFA), Title 19 Medicaid including HUSKY and Healthy Start, Head Start and School Lunch Program.
The credit offers a discount of $30 on line connection and reduces monthly charges by $9.00 per month for local telephone services. Lifeline customers also receive an additional bill credit of $.85 for a portion of the Federal Subscriber Line Charge and are exempt from the Universal Service Fund – Local and Local Number Portability charges.
More information: State of CT Utilities resources website.
Veterans Strong Community Center
111 North Main Street, 1st Floor
Bristol, CT 06010
Hours: Monday through Friday 8 am – 2 pm; late afternoon/evening hours by appointment
We do conduct outreach to the various towns we service and can meet Veterans at more convenient locations by appointment.
Donna Dognin
Executive Director
Phone: 860-584-6258
Facebook: Veterans Strong Community Center
Serving Veterans – Past, Present and Future
Veterans Strong Community Center is a non-profit, regional information and resource center dedicated to providing assistance to all Veterans, Service Members and their Families, regardless of branch or component, or status of discharge. In particular, the Center services the communities of Bristol, Burlington, Harwinton, Plainville, Plymouth, Thomaston and Wolcott, acting as the state mandated Municipal Veterans Contact Person. The knowledgeable staff assesses what services may be available to you, and then connects you to the resource. The Center distributes a monthly electronic newsletter highlighting upcoming events and any relevant issues. The Center is a former USAR program that now operates as an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. The Center and/or Board members are members of the Central CT Chambers of Commerce; Bristol Veterans Council, Inc.; Veterans Committee for Senator Murphy, Senator Etsy, and Congressman Larson. The Center is a Certified Veteran Ready Organization by PsychArmor (in partnership with the Bob Woodruff Foundation). It has numerous partnerships and collaborations with federal, state and local agencies, as well as other non-profit and community organizations. Additionally, as a newly formed non-profit, the Center has received its Bronze Seal of Transparency from GuideStar (which provides charity checks for donors on the validity and transparency of non-profit charities).
Complete information is on their website. Veterans can make appointments with staff online. They deal with employment and training issues as well as unemployment benefits, labor market information, job fairs, federal job listings, and state job listing. They also provide guidance with disabled veterans and job search, job development and Chapter 31 vocational rehabilitation and on the job training. The site has a Power Point presentation to view for more information. Please contact Terry Brennan for additional information.
DrugRehab is passionate about finding effective treatment for drug or alcohol addiction. Their goal is to help people live happier, healthier lives.
Mesothelioma Cancer Alliancs
We are a resource for those who have been affected by mesothelioma and want to learn more about it. This is such a rare cancer that can affect those who have served our country and put them at a greater risk of developing it, so our goal is to provide everything you could need on one site! This varies from information for patients, special community groups that can help during this time, information about emerging clinical trials, and base-specific information about where asbestos was used in the military. Our goal is to take this time which is so difficult, and make things a big easier.
Check out their site here:
Their Veterans section of the website can be found here:
Phone: 1-800-827-1000
For more information or to set up and appointment, call: 1-203-932-5711 ext. 3575
Hartford Vet Center
Phone: 860-563-2320
The Hartford Veteran Center is an agency of the Federal Department of Veterans Affairs. They provide counseling and referral for veterans who served in combat theatres (WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Somalia, Persian Gulf, Iraq and Afghanistan). The Vet Center also offers counseling for veterans who experienced sexual trauma while serving in the military. Family members of veterans eligible for the Vet Center can also be seen.
CT Works centers have specialized Local Veterans Employment Representatives (LVER) and Disabled Veterans Outreach Program Specialists (DVOP) to assist veterans with employment and training needs. Services include vocational guidance, case management, counseling services and workshops on topics such as resumes/cover letters, job search and navigating the internet.
Veterans Benefits for Seniors
Tips for Your Next PCS Move
Service Members’ Legal Rights While on Active Duty
Guide to Financial Assistance for Military Families
Sesame Street for Military Families
Employment Resources for Military Spouses
Military Servicemembers’ Guide to Starting a Business
Aging Vets - How to Plan Wisely for Your Future
Residential Leases and the Military - Your Rights
Resources for Vets & Families Living with Cancer
Services & 24° Hotline: 860-225-6357
Toll Free 24°Hotline: 888-774-2900
24° Hotline (Statewide in English): 888-999-5545
En Español a Todo el Estado: 888-568-8332
Phone: 1-888-385-4225
Preventive Services to Families